01 October 2007

Evander Holyfield releases Real Deal Grill

"my son george, my son george and my other son george"

Move over George Foreman, Evander's got a grill now: The Real Deal Grill.

Who knew former boxing champions would have such a lucrative future ahead of them albeit in the murky and cutthroat world of electric cooking appliances!

The press release doesn't actually mention what makes the $99 Real Deal Grill any better than Foreman's grill, but that doesn't stop the former Evander from taunting "don't you think the latest grill is supposed to be the best grill?"... "you must connect with a product like you connect with a punch...it's a real knockout of a product, and I am committed to making The Real Deal Grill a true champion."

Oh snap, I smell beef !

your grill is better, baby, your grill is the best

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