11 December 2007

'Tis the season for our holiday cookie recipe swap!

Leonard Lopate and Ruth Reichl are on NPR right now talking about cookies. Ruth is a food writer/author and the editor of Gourmet Magazine.

Now they're taking calls from listeners about their cookie recipes. Someone is on the phone from Mount Airy, North Carolina and she sounds about 114 years old — Wasn't stupid Andy Griffith's beloved fictional town of "Mayberry" supposedly based on Mount Airy?

Now Ruth is talking about some shortbread cookie swirled with maca she just discovered and Leonard wants to know if it's possible to invent a new cookie at this point.

I'm gonna turn it off before I hear that freak who does all the dry announcements & commercials. Her voice drives me insane. She overenunciates ev. ery. sin. gle. syll. a. ble. No. one. sp. eaks. like. that. No. one. She. dri. ves. me. nut. s!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember the SNL with Alec Baldwin as Pete Shwetty on a talk show on "NPR" ? Paging Pete Shwetty and his Holiday Shwetty Balls !!

Brooklyn Beat